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Kwapil & Co represents the following companies in Austria:

IDX compact drives
X drives - configurable drives
DC motor
EC motor
maxon gear
maxon sensor
maxon micro drive
maxon ceramic

Kwapil & Co represents in Austria 
following companies:

IDX compact drives
X drives - configurable drives
DC motor
EC motor
maxon gear
maxon sensor
maxon micro drive
maxon ceramic

Planetary gear
DC geared motors
AC gearmotors
BLDC motors
DC motors
Planetary gear
DC geared motors
AC gearmotors
BLDC motors
DC motors
Positioning systems
Spur gear
AC motors
Brushless motors
Stepper motors
Servo motors
Linear Motion & Actuators
AC motors
Brushless motors
Stepper motors
Servo motors
Linear Motion & Actuators

Linear motors
Stroke-turn motors
Linear guides
Servo Drives
Magnetic spring

Linear motors
Stroke-turn motors
Linear guides
Servo Drives
Magnetic spring

DC geared motors
DC motors
DC geared motors
DC motors

Engine control units and power controllers

Engine control units and power controllers

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